5 Tips You Have to Know Before You Go Turkey Hunting
Turkey hunting is an excellent skill to have, but it takes time and a lot of practice. However, it's definitely fun to learn and exciting when you finally master the skill. As you learn more and more about turkey hunting, you will want to follow a few tips to improve your chances out in the wild.
1. Make Sure You Conceal Yourself Adequately.
Turkeys have excellent eyesight. If you're not camouflaged properly, then they're going to spot you – even from a significant distance. Make sure that you conceal everything from your face to your weapon.
2. Don't Overlook the Importance of Learning Your Calls.
The best thing that you can do when turkey hunting is get the turkeys to come to you. You need to be able to mimic several different calls. Take the time to practice before you go hunting to make sure that you're ready when you find yourself in a hunting situation. The right call will lure toms into the area because they think a hen is nearby.
3. Be Ready to Hunt at Dawn.
For optimal results, you need to be up and ready to start hunting for turkeys before the sun rises. Don't forget to set up your spot so that the sun will be in the turkey's eyes. This helps to camouflage you just a little bit more.
4. Make Sure You Aim for the Turkey's Head.
A wild turkey has a lot of of feathers on its body. So, when you aim at the turkey, you need to aim at the head. This will raise your chances of a successful kill.
5. Take Time to Locate the Roost Tree.
Like other birds, turkeys will roost in trees. Make sure that you locate this roost tree and set up camp nearby. If your state allows, you can shoot the turkey as soon as it comes out of the tree for an easy, swift kill.
Turkeys are a very good source of wild food. With the aforementioned tips, you should be able to achieve a turkey dinner with little to no issues.