As a coyote hunting rookie, you have probably spent some time reading some online articles and watching videos to try to increase your success. However, when you get out in the wild, you seem to be unable to kill a coyote. In fact, you often never even see a coyote to attempt to kill. So, what are you doing wrong? Well, here are three things that many newbies make when it comes coyote hunting:
Mistake #1: You'e Hunting in the Wrong Spot.
Many people try to hunt for coyotes in the same areas that they hunt for deer; however, these aren’t necessarily the right areas. While you may find coyotes in these areas, it isn’t a guarantee. With deer, you scout for months in advance. With coyotes, you only need to scout for a few hours in advance. While scouting, pay close attention for kill sites, scat, tracks and coyote sounds. These few hours spent with greatly increase the odds of your hunting success.
Mistake #2: You're Not Using the Right Call.
Just like hunting any other animal, it is very important that you use the right call. In fact, you may want to consider using calls that aren’t commonly heard by coyotes. For example, distressed woodpecker or turkeys may be more interested to coyotes since they are frequent sounds heard by them. In addition, as a newbie, you may want to consider using an electronic caller to ensure that you are making the correct sound.
Mistake #3: You're Too Sloppy Getting Setup.
To be successful at coyote hunting, you must be able to get setup properly. This starts from the moment that you arrive at your hunting location. You can start ruining your hunt from the moment you slam on the brakes, switch off your truck engine and slam your truck door shut. Remember, coyotes are very observant, so it is very important that you are careful getting setup. Make sure that the wind is right, that you can see and that you can’t be seen. Don’t forget to also be as quiet as possible. Don’t choose your hunting locations based on convenience or comfort; instead, choose them based on quality and effectiveness.